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Mind Map workshops are conducted by our master trainer, Mr. Yogin Sabnis.
Mr. Sabnis is a Financial Planner by profession and runs a Financial Advisory
company as his main occupation.

Ten years ago, he developed a passion for Mind Mapping and as the passion
grew, he found ways to incorporate Mind Maps into his Financial Planning

In early 2016, he became a licensed Mind Map trainer from the Thinkbuzan
institute, UK. This enabled him to teach Mind mapping to an array of people from
all walks of life like corporate employees, fellow financial advisors, college
students and entrepreneurs. He also lectured on the topic at the Rotary clubs,
Financial Advisors’ conferences, startup zones and management institutes.


Since then he has been conducting workshops for:

  • Financial Advisors on how to incorporate Mind Mapping in their Financial Advisory practice.

  • Corporate employees, showing them how Mind Maps help in Project planning and management, creating and delivering presentations, managing their schedules and a lot more…


Although not through formal workshops, he has interacted with teachers and
students on using Mind Maps. He believes that the student community will
benefit the most from this wonderful tool as it gives them an opportunity to use
this skill for studies. Mind Map is also a thinking tool and as time goes by, it
would help retain and in fact enhance the creativity of these youngsters enabling
them to think differently and solve life problems.


He has written a book called "Financial Planning Money Maps and more...". The book traces the financial challenges individuals face at different stages of their life. The book also covers Succession Planning in which it talks about how to make a Will amongst other things. There is a separate section on the need for Financial Advisors and also on "How to select a Financial Advisor".


The unique feature of the book is that each chapter is summarised on a Mind Map which he calls as Money Maps. Mr. Sabnis is aware that most readers may not be familiar with the concept of Mind Mapping, hence in a separate section he has written about the concept of Mind Maps and its applicability to your everyday life.



Financial Planning, Money Maps & More...

At each life stage there are so many aspects of Financial Management to take care of. This book helps you take a comprehensive look at each of these aspects.


At the beginning of each chapter the gist of the text is captured in an easy to understand and remember Money Map.


A separate section explains the importance and the role Financial Advisors play to see that you have a stress free financial life.

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